For each job we take on, we form a Flex/50 team from our network of consultants that have the best skills and experience for the job. All our consultants have access to the resources and support of the entire Flex/50 network - including our partner networks. A key part of our ethos is, 'the power of the network', - so no matter what area of expertise is required, we are very confident of bring the right experience to bear on your situation.

We are 'output oriented'. Therefore, we focus on producing client materials and roadmaps that are useful, specific and attainable. The individual services of Flex/50 consultants are best applied within a structured framework to offer a consistent approach - but without being tied to prescriptive paths that traditional  'ologies' may impose. Of course, this more flexible approach requires experienced people to navigate from a business input to a viable business outcome.

Examples of client outcomes are - a strategic roadmap for a transformed digital business service, 'value mining' of existing service provider contracts leading to quantifiable savings and unlocking of capability, or an IT service wrap for a new digital middleware platform. This all depends on the 'exam question' - the inputs, which could be a new business idea, a business problem or an existing business service that requires transformation.